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A fresh start...

Fast forward a few years...almost a decade in fact. It's been quite a journey these last few years. One of which I hope I'm on the better end of. The journey has been a tough one but it has got easier. Particularly last year in 2017, when I rediscovered my love of design once again, after a tough battle with mental health issues at the start of the year. Something which seemed to come and go over this last decade. Perhaps it was due to unsuitable work environments and some unrealistic pressures that caused undue stress over time. But for whatever reason, the health issues returned in full force even though I hadn't been working for more than 8 months... I was determined to get better and move on with my life. So I was in the care of a new doctor since I left my last workplace. This new doctor saw the best and worst of my health and was able to keep me on a even keel for the last year. To him I'm so grateful. Not only did I get better health wise, in the space of a f

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